A Spiral Report from Zone Zero Zero

(c)John Kendall Graham

August 2018

The truth of the idea about which I feel to think to write

this report from zone zero zero of perma-culturalism 

this radical environmentalism

this true anarchism

does not have any words at all

was working aeons before the beginning of human language

before human beings, before any mammalian forms

before insects, before plants, before chromosomes

antedating microbes and stromatolites

the first organic structures on earth to show 3.5 billion years ago

The truth of this idea is not in the words I feel to think to write.

It is in the things themselves to which these words refer:

wind that whirls 

water that swirls

earth that gyres 

the twirl of smoke 

the heat of fire

a truth paraded 

in galactic space 

as spiral nebulae

I want these words to fall away to nothingness 

and let little things, living things I use words to name

bring human consciousness into the presence of the Spiral

acknowledge it as the sign of living things

a figure, Gregory Bateson wrote in a book 

searching for and finding ways 

to restore an essential unity between Mind and Nature 

a figure that maintains its form (that is, its proportions) 

as it grows in one dimension through addition at its open end

a figure embodied in the spiraling helixes of the DNA and RNA

a “Language” Watson and Crick said 

to make the molecule’s function clear

being to Deliver and to Receive the messages Energy sends

perhaps then more accurately to be called 

a Co-creative Conversation with Life itself 

in its myriad forms. 



Water Lily


Frond of a growing Fern 

twisted trunks of Chestnut Trees

varieties of Pine and their Cones

Aeroplane Seed of the Begonia

and the wisteria involuta  that spread purple in summer

along the verandah of my farm house in Australia.

A Spider web shows the truth of the idea I share 

as does the larva case of the Caddis Fly

so do Horns thrusting out from Wallachian Sheep 

Alaskan Bighorn 

the Asiatic Ibex 

growth at the Spiral’s open end 

a fact of Nature 

its truth 


independent of words 

requiring no belief 

observable to the eye 

able to be drawn 

as Leonardo Da Vinci did 

in his studies of Spirals 

as seen by him 

in Ram’s Horns 

in Smoke and Dust 

and in Leda’s hair arranged like an Ammonite.

The Ammonite and other shells 

reveal the spiral form that indwells

the Human Body

its anatomy:

Umbilical Cord

Papillae on the surface of Skin

Bones and Organs within 

Gall Bladder

Sweat Gland Ducts 

the Heart 

in the structure of its protecting Ribs 

the Clavicle, Humerus, Femur

and the internal ear or Cochlea.

Can you hear me? 

Are you listening, taking in the spiral message that I bring?

Can you understand that it’s the ontological that holds the clue

to what in our use of words is false and obsolete or both 

and what is true? 

I ask because our linguistic practices 

have shaped much of our cultural evolution 

and still do.

Yes, the ontological can be difficult to find 

and so to keep in mind 

when the world has been put into words 

some we are required to believe

and so become blind 

to the difference between 

words about things 

and words about words 

both kinds obtaining an equivalence 

in the mental and emotional spaces 

of people in all cultures of all races 

whereby imaginary entities 

with no real counterpart 

move from nothingness but flatus vocis 

to complete autocracy.

In this condition of fabricated imprecision 

the Empire of Language Rules

creating on a planet 

whose surface curves 

“the level playing field”

where “economy” 

as established in the oikos (“household”) 

of the Ancient Greeks, 

has lost its roots 

and most of its branching resonances 



“local trade”

“mutual protection”

“communal gardening” 

all being daily hacked away

by the constriction of “economy” 

to a singularly fiscal definition by the Chicago School  

and its fideistic acceptance by those who rule

who ask us to “believe” in what they say. 

But wait! 

Is not this request “to believe” 

an opportunity to dispel 

the economics of dismay? 

an opening we can take

a way through the ontological haze 

that Belief in Words has brought? 

For isn’t there a “lie” in the middle of “beLIEve” 

that should always counsel doubt 

when hearing and or reading those who use this word

that they really do know what they write or talk about?

As belief plays no part in the co-creative conversation 

in which DNA and RNA participate

the one Delivering messages that the other Receives as sent 

there is no room for doubt 

or conjecture 

about the meaning of the message being made 

by Spiral energy through its open end 


through biochemical transmission 

“Life” is the molecules’ message 

no care for the “Correct” 

devoted always and only

to transmit the “True”

its origin in feeling

this being what is really real

appearing then to be 

the most reliable design 

to use in our living.


It is for me. Is it for you?

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